Private Reformer Pilates

A personalised exercise rehabilitation program tailored to your injury or body specific needs.

Private 1:1 Reformer

Pilates 1:1 is a private session with you and your instructor. Suitable for Injury management and rehabilitation programs or pre and post natal specific rehabilitation programs. If you are new to Pilates, this is a great platform to start learning the basic techniques before you enter a class environment.

Private 1:2 Reformer

Pilates 1:2 is a private session with you and your friend, partner or training buddy and your instructor. Suitable for anyone wanting to gain strength & mobility, if you have niggling injuries, for Injury management and rehabilitation programs or pre and post natal specific rehabilitation programs. If you are new to Pilates, this is a great platform to start learning the basic techniques before you enter a class environment.

A personalised exercise rehabilitation program tailored to your injury or body specific needs.

Clinical Rehab Pilates

Our Clinical Rehab Pilates class is a led by Clinical Osteopaths. Our private classes are designed to help rehabilitate acute, chronic & complex injuries such as neck or back pain, pre or post pregnancy / or if you simply want to start your Pilates journey with us slow & steady to learn the basics. HICAPS available for this service through your Osteopathy extras cover.

Private Reformer

Our private 1:1 classes are led by our specialised Reformer Pilates Instructors. Our private classes are designed to help rehabilitate acute, chronic & complex injuries such as neck or back pain, pre or post pregnancy or if you simply want to start your Pilates journey with us slow & steady to learn the basics.

What Condition Can Benefit From Our Private Classes